

What will 2004 bring? 

What will 2004 bring?
There are a lot of things that one can predict for the new year. i am just going to take a long shot and talk about two things :

Started in 1999 now at the end of 2003 they are functioning as desktop printing presses for an estimated 1.5 million people. Weblogs are just too varied, too idiosyncratic, to fit into an existing box. Industry analysts might call this disruptive technology because weblogs have changed personal publishing so profoundly that the old rules no longer apply. We are at the beginning of a new age of online publishing - and I predict that this generation of online pamphleteers is just the first wave.

In the past few years Apple computers' have been making their computers a digital hub of our lifestyle. It has done a marvelous job of tightly integrating various media applications involving movies, tunes and picutres. I am a recent convert to Mac, but the fervor and enthusiasm for these computers has reached a level of of such fanaticism that friends tell me i need to join AA (Apple Annonymous) for detoxification! Risking further ridicule, I predict that this year Apple is going to gain success above and beyond iTunes Music Store and iPods. . According to the "internet chatter" that i have been listening to exciting new products are in the pipeline. On jan 6th we may have release of three new products : a small 2-4G iPods, a new TiVo Like device iBox and a renvewed updated iLife software package.

Viva Apple !!!!!

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