

This polite world we live in 

This polite world we live in
One of my patients was telling me the ordeal she went through shopping on day after thanksgiving sale. She went to Walmart to buy that $29 DVD. . well thats a story for another blog...but coming back to her 6am visit to Walmart. she was complaining about the horrible rush and the inconsiderate crowd.... etc. People were cutting between lines, jumping the parking spots...in short doing all they could to get what they wanted without being considerate of the other person....

after she left i was thinking about the bombay crowd...and the local trains. it reminded me of the time i went to a big garba function here in USA few years back. just as Hirak has written in one of his blogs The Little Voice- ISDA diwali show how ...indians here in US stand out as an unruly unorganised lot. i think its just the environment which has shaped us indians to be the way we behave when we are in a crowd... if people in this polite western world had to deal with the kind of mad urban rush can you imagine what kind of crazy situation it may turn out to be... our unruly indian crowd would have put them to shame i think.

p.s. that $29 DVD on SPECIAL sale at walmart can work only if you have bought a $20 cable !

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